Is a $60K Per Year Salary Good?

Man counting dollar bills with his two hands

I get it, you have concerns. However, when it comes to whether you are getting paid a good salary or not, there’s not a straightforward answer. On one hand, $60k a year will enable you to live comfortably. On the other hand, someone else is struggling with this salary. So, is a $60k salary good? …

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How to Build up Financial Discipline

financial freedom

There are many different financial planning strategies, and the advice could be more precise. While the advice you receive can be helpful in some cases, it can leave you feeling confused or overwhelmed in others. Learning to build up financial discipline can help you live without falling into debt or suffering from unexpected expenses. How …

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What is Zero-Sum Budgeting [And How to Use it]

zero based budgeting

Do you know what the most challenging thing about budgets is? No, it’s not creating it. It’s having the discipline to stick to it. In most cases, this lack of discipline usually comes because everything is not accounted for so you have a lot of idle cash. That’s where zero-sum budgeting comes in. What Is …

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The 50/30/20 Rule: Is it the Best Budget for you?

It can feel impossible to stay on top of your finances and ensure that you manage your money correctly. Luckily, an easy-to-follow budgeting rule takes all the guesswork out of financial planning: the 50/30/20 budget rule. Let’s look at how it works and if it’s the right strategy for you. What Is The 50/30/20 Rule? …

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What to Put for Desired Salary

Woman signing a document while another woman is leafing through documents

In an ideal world, you’d get your desired salary without asking for it. But – in reality – that doesn’t always happen. In fact, when you’re filling out a job application, one of the trickiest questions to answer is what to put for a desired salary. It’s not always easy to know exactly how much …

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How to Ask About Salary in an Interview

Woman listening intently while a man is reviewing her resume

According to a survey by Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM), 70% of professionals want salary to be the first message they hear from the recruiter, and 59% of candidates believe salary is the leading factor contributing to a feeling of having a fulfilling career. Yet, for many job seekers, addressing the subject of salary in …

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Is a $50K Per Year Salary Good?

Canadian and American money coins and bills on the table

With the rapid inflation and skyrocketing housing rates, living costs have increased. So, if you earn an annual income starting at 50K per year, you might wonder if it is the right pay for you. So, is a 50K salary good? Let’s find out.  Is a $50K Salary Good? Yes, a $50K salary is good …

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Is a $30K Per Year Salary Good?

Man counting dollar banknotes

So, you just got a new job offer, and the starting salary is around 30K. While you are eager to start working, you are wondering, is a 30K salary good enough to sustain me? How much an hour can you make with this salary? Let’s find out Is a $30K Salary Good? A $30k salary …

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How to Negotiate Your Salary

Man and woman in formal shirts shaking their hands in agreement

Although a few things are non-negotiable – like the soaring inflation rates and taxes – your salary package is, gladly, not among them. However, it is natural to feel uncomfortable negotiating salary once your job search ends and you have the offer you’ve been eagerly waiting for. Perhaps this explains why 59% of US employees …

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