At $31 an Hour, What is Your Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly Salary?

When considering a job offer, it’s essential that you understand how the hourly wage translates to an annual salary. This helps in comparing job opportunities, understanding what is a good salary, and planning your finances. Today, I’ll take a closer look at what $31 per hour equates to annually.

I’ve come to find that understanding the annual salary based on an hourly wage can be quite important if you want to take up part-time roles, secure additional jobs, or balance work with your personal life. 

I’ll break down the calculations and provide insights, offering valuable financial education to help you make informed decisions.

$31 an Hour Is How Much a Year?

If you’re earning $31 an hour, you might wonder how much that translates to annually. Working 40 hours per week and assuming 52 weeks per year, a $31 hourly wage amounts to approximately $64,480 before taxes. This number puts you in a relatively comfortable position, earning more than 68% of workers in the United States.

A woman displays a properly arranged money on her hand covering her face

Now, let’s discuss the impact of taxes on this yearly salary. Assuming an average federal tax rate of 23.9% and marginal tax rate of 39.6% (please note that state tax rates vary depending on your location), you’d be left with about $49,055 after taxes in a state like California. That equates to roughly $4,088 monthly, which is an above-average income.

Remember, the numbers provided here are just general estimates. Your actual take-home pay may vary based on:

  • Location
  • Deductions, and 
  • Additional income sources. 

It’s always a good idea to consult with a financial expert to better understand your situation.

$31 Per Hour Breakdown

$31 Per Hour Annual Salary

If you’re earning $31 per hour, your annual salary, assuming a 40-hour workweek and 52 weeks per year, would be around $64,480. This puts you well above the average wage earner in the United States, as it is estimated that individuals making this amount are in the top 68% of earners.

How Much Is $31 Per Month?

With $31 per hour, you would earn approximately $5,373.33 monthly. This is a pre-tax figure, and your actual take-home pay will be lower depending on your state and federal tax rates. 

Budgeting monthly can be useful to ensure you’re adequately saving and managing your expenses. Budgeting has helped me cut back on overspending – it’s much different when you can see all of your finances right in front of you.

A man pressing a calculator with a money bill on top of it and a pen and notebook beside it

How Much Is $31 Per Hour Per Week?

Working at a rate of $31 per hour, your weekly earnings would be around $1,240, provided you work 40 hours that week. Planning your weekly spending is essential, especially if you have weekly expenses. This can help prevent overspending and allow you to allocate funds for savings and entertainment purposes.

How Much Is $31 Per Hour Bi-Weekly?

Bi-weekly earnings for a $31 per-hour wage would be $2,480. You may prefer budgeting bi-weekly, especially if your pay schedule is set up this way. This method ensures you know exactly how much money you must work with for the upcoming two weeks and can help track your spending more effectively.

How Much Is $31 Per Hour Per Day?

If you work eight hours a day at $31 per hour, you would earn $248 per day. Knowing your daily earnings can be helpful when evaluating the cost of specific one-off expenses, comparing the cost of an item or service to the value of a day’s work, or determining the value of your time spent on tasks outside of your regular employment.

How Much Is $31 Per Hour Part Time?

Part-time employment is typically defined as working less than 40 hours per week. For example, working 20 hours per week at $31 per hour would earn $620 per week. If considering part-time employment, it’s vital to calculate your reduced hours’ impact on your overall salary and determine whether the change suits your financial goals and lifestyle needs.

When I earn $31 an hour, my annual income is around $64,480, considering I work 40 hours per week and approximately 52 weeks a year. Considering paid time off, such as vacation time, would be important for accurately calculating my total earnings.

Considering that paid vacation time can vary between employers, let’s assume I receive two weeks per year. My annual earnings would still be $64,480, as the vacation time is compensated. However, if I were to take additional unpaid time off, this would reduce my overall earnings for the year. Keeping track of paid and unpaid time off is essential to ensure an accurate understanding of my financial situation.

$31 an Hour Budget

When planning a budget on a $31-an-hour wage, it’s important to identify the estimated yearly income first. With full-time employment of 40 hours per week, this wage translates to a gross annual salary of approximately $64,480. Remember that this is the pre-tax amount; actual take-home pay will be lower due to taxes and other deductions.

Next, I recommend dividing expenses into housing, utilities, groceries, transportation, insurance, savings, and entertainment categories. Tracking a specific percentage of the take-home pay to each category can help ensure a balanced budget. 

A husband getting money from his wallet while her wife holds two receipts on both her hands

It’s vital to track spending regularly and adjust as needed to stay on track with financial goals. Regularly evaluating the budget allows for more informed decisions and helps maintain financial stability while enjoying the fruits of a $31-an-hour income.

How To Live on $31 Per Hour

Living on $31 per hour is manageable for many people. With this hourly wage, I can earn around $64,480 annually if I work full-time, 40 hours per week, all year. This amount is a comfortable income that allows me to cover my expenses and enjoy a decent lifestyle.

To make the most of this income, I prioritize budgeting and saving. I always start by tracking my expenses and defining my financial goals. To maintain a stable financial footing, I ensure that my housing, utility, and transportation costs do not exceed 50% of my monthly income. After that, I allocate portions of my income for:

  • Savings
  • Investments, and 
  • Entertainment, balancing short-term enjoyment and long-term financial security. 

In conclusion, living on $31 per hour is possible with a disciplined approach to budgeting and focusing on financial goals. I can achieve a comfortable lifestyle and prepare for the future by managing my expenses wisely.

5 Ways to Increase Your Hourly Wage

As a finance expert, I believe it’s essential to seek ways to boost your earning potential constantly. With that in mind, let me share five strategies that can help you increase your hourly wage and secure your financial future. First, invest in yourself by acquiring new skills and pursuing relevant certifications, which you can use to counter the offer salary. 

This can also make you more marketable to potential employers and inspire your current employer to negotiate your salary. Continuous learning and professional growth are key factors in staying competitive and maintaining a steep career trajectory. Next, don’t be afraid to negotiate during performance reviews. 

This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your accomplishments and demonstrate to your employer the increased value you’ve brought to the company. Whether you work at a salary of $64,480 per year ($31 per hour) or any other hourly wage, regular meetings with your supervisor can be instrumental in negotiating higher pay based on your performance.

A woman holding a money with both her hands on a table

Jobs that Pay $31 an Hour

As a finance expert, I’d like to share some insights on jobs that typically pay around $31 an hour. It’s essential to note that your location, experience, and industry play a significant role in determining hourly wages. If you’re planning to get one of these jobs, make sure you research so you know how to ask about salary during the interview.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics provides valuable data on various professions and their corresponding wages. While the exact pay might vary, some occupations that could fall within the $31-an-hour range include:

  • Dental hygienists
  • Diagnostic medical sonographers
  • Occupational therapy assistants
  • Physical therapist assistants
  • Web developers

What Are the Requirements for These Jobs?

These professions generally require specialized education or training, and each has unique skills and requirements. For example, dental hygienists need an associate’s degree in dental hygiene and a state license, while web developers typically need an associate’s degree in web design or a related field.

It’s important to remember that these examples are not exhaustive, and salaries can vary based on factors like location, industry, and experience. Pursuing a career in one of these fields can potentially lead to a comfortable income, but it’s crucial to research the educational requirements and job outlook to make an informed decision.


In my experience, a $31 hourly wage translates to a decent annual income for many people. Based on a 40-hour work week and 52 weeks per year, this hourly wage can amount to around 64,480 dollars yearly. This puts you in a favorable position compared to many other workers, as it suggests that you may be earning more than 68% of employees in the United States.

Of course, your specific lifestyle and financial needs will shape whether a $31 hourly wage is sufficient for you. It’s essential to assess your expenses, financial goals, and job security when considering how much an hourly rate might meet your standards. 

Recognize that circumstances change, and being flexible in managing your finances will always be crucial. Remember, achieving financial stability requires ongoing education and informed decision-making. Good luck in your financial journey!

Jared Bauman is the owner and editor of He has started and sold several companies, along with owning several investment properties. His interest in personal finance started as a young kid, developed through his entrepreneurial ventures and real estate investments, and continue through his conversations with friends and colleagues.

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