Reading List
The ever-growing list of my all-time favorite books.
This page captures the books that have impacted my faith, marriage, ministry, and finances in the most significant ways.
The authors on this list are leaders and influencers in their respective fields who have taken the time to teach from their own experiences.
I try to learn from a diversity of authors and styles of writing that share a common thread of Christian faith.
Topics range from theology and ministry to everyday habits, finance, and leadership.
This list is organized alphabetically and may contain affiliate links.
And now, my always-changing, ever-growing list of the books that have most impacted my life, marriage, faith, and ministry.
“Reading is to the mind, what exercise is to the body. As by the one, health is preserved, strengthened, and invigorated; by the other, virtue (which is the health of the mind) is kept alive, cherished, and confirmed.” – Joseph Addison
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The Full List of Book Summaries
Each month we add 2-3 titles and book summaries to this growing list.
7 Men and the Secrets of their Greatnessby Eric MetaxasPrint | Ebook 100 Word Summary
This book brings to life seven historical figures and unpacks the incredible trials and challenges they faced. The common thread Metaxas draws between these seven great men is in “surrendering themselves to a higher purpose, of giving something away that they might have kept.” The most fascinating figure to me was William Wilberforce who was elected to the English Parliament at the age of 24 and by faith, led the charge in the abolition of the slave trade.
7 Practices of Effective Ministryby Andy Stanley, Reggie Joiner, Lane JonesPrint | Ebook 100 Word Summary
This book is not a church-growth manual or a guide on spiritual health for pastors. Andy, Reggie, and Lane focus on the questions you must ask yourself and your team as you lead an organization. This book will help you develop a new perspective through which you can evaluate your current ministry programs. 7 Practices of Effective Ministry has taught me more about thinking strategically in ministry than any other book. I’ve read this book 4 times in the past year and it is one of the few books I keep on my desk at all times.
Your First Two Years in Youth Ministryby Doug FieldsPrint | Ebook 100 Word Summary
This is by far the greatest book on youth ministry that exists. Doug Fields takes his 30+ years of youth ministry experience to craft this incredible resource for your early years in youth ministry. Doug understands the deep need for youth pastors to care for their own soul first, and to nurture the close relationships around them while they pour out in ministry. This book is the perfect combination of encouragement and practical application for ministry to guide you as your partner with parents, work with a team of leaders, and navigate phases of change.